Enrichment Week

K-12 Students come for a different type of lesson during our Enrichment Week. Register for your class here: (Google link) Private and Piano Express Students should register. This does not include Musikgarten students. No lessons for Adults during Enrichment Week.

Drum Bucket Bash

8-12th Grade with Ms. Teresa in the Musikgarten Room

Group Piano

1st-5th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room

Guitar Ensemble

4-7th Grade with Mr. Miles in the Musikgarten Room

Piano Technique Mastery

8-12th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room (Max of 4 students)

Drum Bucket Bash

5-8th Grade with Ms. Teresa in the Musikgarten Room

Piano Technique Mastery

8-12th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room (Max of 4 students)

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