Drum Bucket Bash
8-12th Grade with Ms. Teresa in the Musikgarten Room
8-12th Grade with Ms. Teresa in the Musikgarten Room
3-6th Grade with Ms. Vanessa in the Piano Express Room
7-12th Grade with Ms. Vanessa in the Piano Express Room
4th Grade & Up with Mr. Mike in the Musikgarten Room
1st-4th Grade with Ms. Susan in the Musikgarten Room
1st-5th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room
4-7th Grade with Mr. Miles in the Musikgarten Room
7-12 Grade with Ms. Katharine on Zoom. Zoom link sent on Tuesday, 4/26 via email.
8-12th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room (Max of 4 students)
5-8th Grade with Ms. Teresa in the Musikgarten Room
8-12th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room (Max of 4 students)
1st-5th Grade with Mr. Jonathan in the Piano Express Room (Max of 4 students)